
New Testament scholar P.T. O’Brien notes that “Paul mentions the subject of thanksgiving in his letters more often, line for line, than any other Hellenistic author, pagan or Christian.” For example, in the letter of Colossians alone we have the following,...

Review of “God At Work”

Just finished Gene Edward Veith’s God at Work. Veith gives us an excellent summary of Martin Luther’s unique approach to the doctrine of “Vocation.” The modern world needs this material. Vocation has become a secular term, i.e....

Free Keller Sermon

For some time Tim Keller has posted his sermons for sale at the website of Redeemer Presbyterian in Manhattan. However, he has recently made about 150 of his most important talks available free for MP3 download at Enjoy.

Real Faith or a Countefeit?

Real faith changes everything. It works “through love” (Gal. 5:6). In other words, real faith acts. That is because saving faith is more than mental assent to truth. It is the “assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen”...

Heart Idolatry

Barry Webb, professor at Moore College in Sydney Australia, writes; “Idolatry is the worst sin of all, because it moves God to the periphery of our lives and puts something else in his place. It gives to something else the glory that should be God’s alone....