How big is God and how Small is Man?

For those of us that like to meditate on the greatness of mankind Isaiah 40:15-17 is sobering news. “Behold, the nations are like a drop from a bucket, and are accounted as the dust on the scales; behold, he takes up the coastlands like fine dust. Lebanon would...

Money: Master or Servant?

Oscar Torres sent me a link to an article in the London Telegraph about an Austrian millionaire named Karl Rabeder (right) . He is selling his estate, worth about 3 million pounds (5 Million dollars), and giving the entire proceeds to charity. His motive? His money is...

The measure of God’s Goodness

Infinite Humility & Self EmptyingSome of Jesus’ statements were especially useful as measures of our sin and his love.  Matthew 23:12 is an example. “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled. Whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” This idea...

How the Gospel Changes Vocation

All lawful secular vocations are sacred. The recovery of the gospel has also meant the recovery of the doctrine of vocation. When we hear the word “vocation” we usually think secular work. We hear the expressions like “vocational training,” “Vocational Rehabilitation”...

The Sinfulness of Sin

“The Biblical gospel asserts…that the self is twisted, that it is maladjusted in its relationship to God and others, that it is full of deceit and rationalizations, that it is lawless, that it is in rebellion, and indeed one must die to self in order to live.” —David...