Does God Hate Hate Crimes?

Does God Hate Hate Crimes?

IT IS NORMAL TO PREFER TO THINK ABOUT GOD’S POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES. I’m sure most readers would rather meditate on what God loves rather than what he hates. A favorite verse of most is “God is Love” (1 John 4:16), and we are so thankful that this...
Does God Hate Hate Crimes?

Is Social Justice Biblical Justice?

IF YOU’RE PAYING ATTENTION AT ALL, YOU’VE noticed that many people on our university campuses are actively protesting for “social justice.” Justice matters greatly, but does social justice have anything to do with biblical justice? That is the...
Does God Hate Hate Crimes?

Is Religous Neutrality Possible?

CHRISTIANS ARE LOSING THE BATTLE for the hearts and minds of Americans. Today about 65% profess some adherence to Christianity, but about 30% have no religous affiliation. And, according to the Pew Research, if current trends continue, by 2070 only about 45% of...