“Eat, Pray, Love,” Should you watch it!

Director Ryan Murphy’s Eat, Pray, Love (rated PG-13 for language and sexual references) was as I anticipated. While Julia Roberts’ laugh is infectious, James Franco’s lazy smile leaves you wondering what mischief he is hiding and Javier Bardem’s accent is enticing...

Controlling the Video Game craze!

In many homes the video game craze has all but taken over. What can Christian parents do for sons hooked on this form of entertainment? C. J. Mahaney has some insightful suggestions here. I think you will find them very helpful.

How to Become Becoming one of God’s Favorites!

Although God loves every Christian, he does have his favorites. Isaiah 66:2 describes the qualities inherent in one for which God has special regard. “This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word.” God esteems the...