Do you take the Gospel to work every day?

Many companies have a special day when employees can bring a son or daughter to work. Christians have something more important to bring to work, the gospel. Christians should pack  the gospel and its implications  in their briefcase every morning. For Christians this...

A Book to Make you Happy

Just finished Anthony Beevor’s epic account of the Battle of Stalingrad. Beevor is a first class military historian who gives the modern reader a glimpse of the horrors of WWII.In the summer of 1941 Hitler invaded Russia. Quickly he gobbled up the Western half...

The Power of Hope

Hope is crucial to life. Despair is its absence, and despair is deadly. The Bible is a book of hope. Our hope is fundamentally in the world to come. It is Christ himself. We hope to see the glory of God. We hope to share the glory of God. “We rejoice in the hope...

Should we bless or curse our enemies?

The Bible is a complex book. Unless we read every verse in its context (the rest of the Bible) we will undoubtedly oversimplify the truth. The result will be legalism. Personal vengeance is a good example. In Romans 12 Paul tells us “Repay no one evil for...

Should you protect your children from the world?

In his book, Connected Christianity, Art Azurdia (professor of homiletics at Western Seminary) writes,“It is disturbing that some Christians actually believe the goal of parenting is to do everything possible to keep their children disengaged from the world. I...