Have You Embraced Obscurity?

Have You Embraced Obscurity?

A COUPLE OF YEARS BACK I BOUGHT A LITTLE BOOK TITLED, Embracing Obscurity. The subtitle sums it up. Becoming Nothing In Light of God’s Everything. The book is well written. To be consistent with his premise the author’s name is “Anonymous.”...
Do You Have The Root Of Spiritual Fruit?

Do You Have The Root Of Spiritual Fruit?

ONE OF MY FAVORITE TEXTS in Paul’s letters is in Colossians 2:6-7.  “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” Paul...
How God Views “Pride Month”

How God Views “Pride Month”

JUNE IS NOW PRIDE MONTH, celebrating the alphabet mafia’s hegemony over Western Culture. Ironically, they boast about the very sin most apt to be the cause their eternal misery—pride. Pride is their sin. They have named June appropriately, but they think pride...
Have You Embraced Obscurity?

Why Is No One Interested in Humility?

MOST THEOLOGIANS THROUGHOUT HISTORY have considered humility the queen of virtues. Why is that when the Bible seems to put the emphasis on love? For example, love is eternal. It is greater than faith and hope (1 Cor 13:13). Paul tells us that if we don’t have...

The God Who Became Man

SEVERAL YEARS AGO a friend sent me a life-changing Christmas card. On the front was this simple statement, “Many Men Have Claimed To Be God.”   Underneath appeared pictures of famous men like Ghenkis Khan, Augustus Caesar, Pharaoh, Alexander the Great,...
How To Not End Like Solomon

How To Not End Like Solomon

HYPOCRISY IS A DESTRUCTIVE SIN. How many churches have been destroyed by a leader’s hypocrisy? How many unbelievers have been repelled from Christ because of a “believing” friend’s hypocrisy? How often has the budding faith of a new convert...