Movie Recommendaitons

Movie Recommendaitons

FRIENDS AND RELATIVES OCCAISIONALLY recomend movies appropriarte for Christian audiences. Tragically, there are fewer and fewer movies like this. Here are some that we have watched in recent weeks. They are not only appropriate for Christian audiences, but also have...
Watch Nefarious—A Really Good Movie!

Watch Nefarious—A Really Good Movie!

JUDY AND I JUST WATCHED THE MOVIE, Nefarious on Amazon Prime. The cost was $4.99, and it was money well spent. I don’t normally like Christian movies. They are usually cheesy, sophomoric, and poorly done. But this was different. The script, acting, and...
Wholesome Family Television

Wholesome Family Television

JUDY AND I HAVE BEEN WATCHING back episodes of a weekly drama, Blue Bloods, on Netflix. With almost ten seasons available it has been enduringly popular, and new shows are being added each week. It is the story of a New York City law enforcement family. Frank Reagan...

A Secular Movie That Packs A Spiritual Wallop!

MOVIE REVIEWS FOR CHRISTIANS raise a host of problems. The problem is always the different criteria by which the suitability of a film is critiqued. Is a movie with an R rating immoral? The Passion of the Christ was rated R. Does bad language make a movie improper?...