Should Christians Buy Precious Metals?

Should Christians Buy Precious Metals?

I REMEMBER DISCUSSING THE DEFINITION OF MONEY in my college Econ 101 class. We learned that money by definition must have at least five properties. It must be divisible—you can use it to make change. It must be portable—you can put it in your pocket. It must be...
Should Christians Buy Precious Metals?

The Living & Active Word At Work

JUDY AND I ARE IN THE PROCESS OF A MAJOR MOVE. As many of you know this can exacerbate stress. We pack differently. I married my opposite. All of this led to a huge fight Friday night. It was mostly my fault. Guilt and condemnation. I had a hard time sleeping. I awoke...
Should Christians Buy Precious Metals?

How To Pray For Our Country

I WAS ASKED TO LEAD THE PASTORAL PRAYER at the Path of Life fundraising banquet last night. I led us in a prayer of contrition for the sins of our nation. Although most joining me in prayer had not committed the sins we confessed, we confessed them in the first person...
Should Christians Buy Precious Metals?

Will Solomon Be In Heaven?

A friend recently asked me if I thought Solomon was saved? It was an excellent, thought-provoking question. Why? Because most Christians assume he was saved. After all, he was no lightweight. He wrote Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. He was David’s...