Who Has the Right to make the Rules?

Authority is the ultimate issue in life. Who makes the rules? When Adam and Eve sinned they ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. In other words, they decided to make their own rules.  Ever since, we have been eating from the same Tree. We have been...

Where Does Leadership Come From?

Leadership matters greatly. Nations rise and fall on their heads of state. Armies conquer or go down in defeat on the decisions of their commanders. Teams rise and fall on their coaches. Corporations thrive or wither on the performance of their CEOs. The most...

Why is the Gospel Controversial?

Just finished Greg Gilbert’s little book, What Is the Gospel? (9marks). This short book lays out the gospel in all its glory. His premise is significant. We need this book because most Christians are confused, or substantially ill informed about the Gospel.D.A....

A Message for the Historically Challenged

I have read fifty books on church history, maybe more, I’m not sure of the number. I know it is a lot. I am a lover of history. I’m am only saying that to put the following comment in perspective. I just read the best book on Reformation History yet. It is...