Thomas Brooks On Gratitude!

Thomas Brooks (1608-80) one of the great Puritan expositors wrote the following. “Is not Christ your treasure? Is not heaven your inheritance—and will you murmur? Has not God given you a changed heart, a renewed nature, and a sanctified soul—and will you murmur?...

The Language of Humility (Part Two)

(The first blog in this series discussed the importance of gratitude. This blogs moves on to define gratitude). To think hard about biblical thanksgiving let’s start with what it is not. It is not politeness. It is not a something that all nice people do. Although...

The Language of Humility! (Part One)

On a cold winter morning Jeff’s alarm went off. He, groaned, sat up, and put his feet on the floor. It was cold. With great sincerity he prayed, “Father, thank you for a good night’s sleep. Thank you for the soft mattress and warm blankets. God, I am even thankful for...