The Privilege of Walking with God

Walking God’s Highway”Walking with God” is one of those curious expressions which occurs repetitively in scripture. This expression describes a special relationship with God, one that God delights to honor. The first time it appears is in Genesis...

Christian Is as Christian Does!

ONCE I ASKED A Christian acquaintance about the spiritual condition of a professing Christian that we both knew. She responded scornfully, “Christian is as Christian does.” In other words, “I can’t measure him by his profession. The quality and...

The Division that Unites!

Jewish & Muslim Boys CoexistingBecause God made us in his image and likeness we long for unity. Intense, unbroken unity is the ambience of heaven.The world seeks unity by removing differences, be de-emphasizing doctrine and truth, and by overlooking moral...

Behold God’s Love!

They Mocked HimMANY CHRISTIANS COMPLAIN that they do not feel God’s personal love. That is usually because they do not understand their sin, and what it deserves. For example, Wisdom, a personification of the Son of God in Proverbs, tells us… “Because I...

J.R.R. Tolkien, the Man Behind the Success!

The movie, the Hobbit, is currently in the theaters. All of this brings to mind a great little book entitled, J.R.R. Tolkien, the Man Behind the Hobbit. This book is a collection of short essays on Tolkien, the man, his thought, his marriage, and his career. Although...