Does God Hate Hate Crimes?

Does God Hate Hate Crimes?

IT IS NORMAL TO PREFER TO THINK ABOUT GOD’S POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES. I’m sure most readers would rather meditate on what God loves rather than what he hates. A favorite verse of most is “God is Love” (1 John 4:16), and we are so thankful that this...

Are You Ready For the Coming Social Earthquake?

WE RIGHTFULLY FEAR EARTHQUAKES. They are sudden, usually unexpected, and depending upon their severity, life-changing. Earthquakes occur when pent-up energy along a fault line is released. A fault line is a place where two slowly moving tectonic plates meet.  The...
Does God Hate Hate Crimes?

Is Religous Neutrality Possible?

CHRISTIANS ARE LOSING THE BATTLE for the hearts and minds of Americans. Today about 65% profess some adherence to Christianity, but about 30% have no religous affiliation. And, according to the Pew Research, if current trends continue, by 2070 only about 45% of...
Does God Hate Hate Crimes?

The Pilgrims and Socialism?

THE UNITED STATES IS SLOWLY MOVING toward socialism. However, although socialism—and its advanced form, Communism—have never worked, the naive in the U.S. pursue it anyway. Socialism doesn’t work because the State finally runs out of other people’s money....