The Church! Masculine or Feminine?

The Church! Masculine or Feminine?

THE BIBLE REGULARLY REPRESENTS THE CHURCH as “The Bride of Christ.” This naturally provokes an adverse reaction from SOME men. I remember the reaction of one visitor to our church. He had spent over eight years in the military and did not want to think of...
The Church! Masculine or Feminine?

How Bout A New Yard Sign for This Political Season?

LAST WEEK JUDY AND I drove around the Hutton neighborhood on the South Hill to show our grandkids the house their father grew up in. As we drove, we saw yard signs proclaiming the values of the progressive left. Interestingly, we saw no yard signs advertising the...
The Church! Masculine or Feminine?

Is It A Sin To Vote for a Democrat?

We often hear comments like “ Who one votes for is not a test of Christian authenticity.” Or “churches shouldn’t preach about politics. They have no place in our pulpits.” In light of todays political platforms, however, I contend that it is a sin to vote for any...