Books I’m Enjoying!

Books I’m Enjoying!

I AM A BOOK LOVER. I confess. I like to read. The habit started when I was about eleven. However, I have discovered that not all books are worth wasting time on. I mostly read on Kindle. Because it is portable I can read on my phone or Mac Book Pro. In addition,...
Books I’m Enjoying!

Books That Are Valued Friends

I LOVE TO READ, AND THAT MEANS I READ A LOT OF BOOKS. Some books have been personal mentors. Others have just been information. They have been long forgotten. But others are deeply valued friends that have changed my thinking radically and sent me on a new trajectory....
Books I’m Enjoying!

Books For Holiday Gifts & Reading

I READ A LOT OF BOOKS. Some I can recommend, and some I cannot. Here, however, are some recommended titles from recent months. Thomas Jefferson, A Biography of Spirit and Flesh by Thomas Kidd. When I find a historian that writes well, I read more of their books. They...

Book Recommends For Christmas

I ROUTINELY READ 40-50 books per year. With that in mind, here are a few of my favorites from the last six months. For the right person, these would make great Christmas gifts. The first is Christopher Columbus Mariner by one of America’s great historians,...
Books I’m Enjoying!

Fun & Profitable Summer Reading

I TYPICALLY READ ABOUT FIFTY BOOKS A YEAR. Most I read completely, but some I skim, reading only selected chapters. That’s what I did with Our Kids by Robert Putnam, professor of sociology at Harvard, which I just returned to my electronic bookshelf. But, this...