Was Dietrich Bonhoeffer against Abortion?

 Dietrich Bonhoeffer In his new biography on Dietrich Bonhoeffer, author Eric Metaxas quotes Bonhoeffer’s thought. “Destruction of the embryo in the mother’s womb is a violation of the right to live which God has bestowed upon this nascent life. To raise the...

Should We Fear Lest Our Works be Inadequate?

Most serious Christian thinkers consider Jonathan Edwards (1703-58) one of the greatest Evangelicals in church history. Justification by faith alone dominated his writing. Yet, in their new book The Theology of Jonathan Edwards, the authors note,...

Can Government be a False God?

Governement Spending Per Capita 1800-1990The size and scope of federal government has exploded during my short life time. The chart at the right shows the growth from 1800 to 1990 in inflation adjusted dollars per capita. It is MUCH higher today. Expansion of the...

Are we God’s Image or Worms?

Davinci Viewed Man Through A Greek LensHow should we think about ourselvses? The ancient Greeks believed that man was the measure of all things. But the Hebrew mindset believed that God was the measure of all things. There is a massive, unbridgeable gap between these...