True Freedom Defined!

Roger Olson has written an excellent piece for Christianity Today defining true freedom. Here is an excerpt. “No truth is more pervasive in Scripture and Christian tradition than this one—that real freedom is found in obedience and servanthood. And yet no truth...

History Is in God’s Hands!

Cardinal Reginald PoleThe future of nations and cultures often turn on unnoticed details quickly forgotten, but that in retrospect, prove decisive. Such was the papal election of 1550.  It was one of the great turning points of church history, and therefore, of world...

How Do You Define Maturity?

Perspective is everything. Maturity is difficult to define, but many consider growing perspective an important ingredient of maturity.  The experience of modern flight is a good example. I recently took off from the San Francisco Airport en route to Seattle. At 1,000...