The Fire that flavors us with Salt!

WE EXPERIENCE SUFFERING in diverse ways. It can come as financial want, sickness, death, relational stress, or persecution. Suffering is a great common denominator the unites human beings.Jesus suffered more than any person that has lived. On his way to Jerusalem to...

Best Movies of 2012

Many Believers complain about a dearth of good movies. Well, Christianity Today just published their take on the most redeeming films of 2012. If you are looking for thought provoking films, compatible with a Christian worldview, you will find this list intriguing....

Russel Moore on Adoption

Russel Moore and FamilyIn last week’s sermon I talked about the gift of adoption. Adoption is a fruit of belief in the gospel. At his Son’s infinite expense, God adopts us into his family. I also asked our congregation to consider adoption as a valid...

David Livingstone, Mission and Empire

Ian Murray’s book, The Puritan Hope, references David Livingstone’s (1813-73) passion for Christ and his missionary zeal. I first read it thirty years ago. At the time I knew nothing about Livingstone except that Stanley found in the heart of Africa and...

Great New Book!

I AM READING a great new book, Eyes Wide Open, by a midwest pastor named Steve DeWitt. The book is about the importance of seeing the handiwork of God in everything about us 24×7. As the subtitle says, it is about enjoying God in everything. It is very Jonathan...