Books For Holiday Gifts & Reading

Books For Holiday Gifts & Reading

I READ A LOT OF BOOKS. Some I can recommend, and some I cannot. Here, however, are some recommended titles from recent months. Thomas Jefferson, A Biography of Spirit and Flesh by Thomas Kidd. When I find a historian that writes well, I read more of their books. They...
Books For Holiday Gifts & Reading

When God Pulled Back The Curtain

THE CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN TENDS TO DOWNPLAY THE REALITY OF SPIRITUAL WARFARE. But the Bible clearly asserts that unseen spiritual entities intimidatingly named “rulers, authorities, and powers” are arrayed against us.  It would be foolish to think we can...

You [Don’t] Deserve A Break Today

The expression “you deserve” has become ubiquitous in modern advertising. Mcdonald’s famous slogan, “You deserve a break today” is a classic example. I also just heard a mattress ad that ended, “Get the sleep you deserve!”...
How God Works When We Trust Him!

How God Works When We Trust Him!

IN THE WINTER OF 1998 Judy and I decided to build a house in a rural location. We purchased four and a half acres. A few months later I left a message with a contractor that I wanted him to drill a well on that property. Sunday morning he returned my call at 8:00 AM....