Do We Need Church Plants?

Some complain when they hear of a new church plant. “We don’t need more churches.” However, in his book Breakout Churches: Discover How to Make the Leap Thom Ranier notes that “eighty percent of the churches in North America have either...

Are We Losing our Youth?

Does the church need to “be cool” to attract young people? Is that the answer to the decline in attendance for the twenty somethings? The Wall Street Journal, of all places, has an interesting take on this question.Grace Christian Fellowship is a young...

Individualism: Godly or Selfish?

Frank doesn’t want to attend church this Sunday. He is tired, so he sleeps in. Although he is a member church, he doesn’t see a need to push himself. Its all about me and my comfort. Suzette doesn’t visit her aged parents because it is depressing....