Is Retirement A Twilight Zone?

The Useful RetireeTHE CHRISTIAN CHURCH has uncritically bought into the concept of retirement. This column and those that follow will take a critical look at this idea. Some have defined retirement as a twilight zone, a phase of life in which the individual is “too...

God’s Pulpit

THE FIRST THING every aspiring writer learns is “show, don’t tell. In other words, don’t lecture your readers. “Show” your points and premises with stories, anecdotes, quotes, and dialogue. The cross is God’s “show don’t tell.” Systematic theologies catalog and...

The Division that Unites!

Jewish & Muslim Boys CoexistingBecause God made us in his image and likeness we long for unity. Intense, unbroken unity is the ambience of heaven.The world seeks unity by removing differences, be de-emphasizing doctrine and truth, and by overlooking moral...

Don’t Assume the Gospel!

In Matt 16:5-11 Jesus warmed his disciple to “beware of the leaven of the Pharisees.” The “leaven” that concerned him was the teaching of the Pharisees and Saducees. What was their teaching? It was religious pride, pride in their virtues. I...

Counter-Cultural Churches Flourish

In his book, Prophetic Untimeliness, author, Os Guinness makes the following important observation. “Emphasize only the natural fit between the gospel and the spirit of our age and we will have an easy, comfortable gospel that is closer to our age than to the...