Bitter Sin Makes for Sweet Grace!

As Paul neared the end of his life he wrote these remarkable words to his young disciple, Timothy. “The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost. But I received mercy for...

Should We Fear Lest Our Works be Inadequate?

Most serious Christian thinkers consider Jonathan Edwards (1703-58) one of the greatest Evangelicals in church history. Justification by faith alone dominated his writing. Yet, in their new book The Theology of Jonathan Edwards, the authors note,...

Never Assume the Gospel

Paul begins the third chapter of Phillipians this way. “To write the same things to you is no trouble to me and is safe for you” (Phil. 3:1). Then a couple of paragraphs follow that denounce works righteousness and extol the free grace of God. Why is this...

Gospel Powered Humility

Have been preaching through the content of my forthcoming book, Gospel-Powered Humility published by P&R, and to be available in Sept 2011. You can access these talks here.  Humility is a crucial subject, and nothing is harder to preach about, especially when you...

Tim Challies Nails It!

If you have ever wondered what is wrong with the gospel preached by many evangelicals, take a moment to read this short post by Tim Challies. He hits the nail on the head. This message should be trumpeted throughout Christendom.