Doe the gospel begin with Sin?

In his excellent book, The God Who Justifies,  James White writes, “Paul’s indictment of the entirety of mankind forms the foundation of the gospel message. There is no good news where the bad news of man’s sinful state is not clearly proclaimed and perceived. The...

Are We Losing our Youth?

Does the church need to “be cool” to attract young people? Is that the answer to the decline in attendance for the twenty somethings? The Wall Street Journal, of all places, has an interesting take on this question.Grace Christian Fellowship is a young...

Why is the Gospel Controversial?

Just finished Greg Gilbert’s little book, What Is the Gospel? (9marks). This short book lays out the gospel in all its glory. His premise is significant. We need this book because most Christians are confused, or substantially ill informed about the Gospel.D.A....

How the Gospel Changes Vocation

All lawful secular vocations are sacred. The recovery of the gospel has also meant the recovery of the doctrine of vocation. When we hear the word “vocation” we usually think secular work. We hear the expressions like “vocational training,” “Vocational Rehabilitation”...