The Number Destroyer of Marriages

What is the number one destroyer of marriage? Is it infidelity? Yes, infidelity wreaks havoc on marriages, but it is not number one. Is it hobbies? Yes, hobbies can behard on marrages, but they are secondary? Is it squabbles over money, or in-laws, or sex? Yes, all of...

The Wages of Sin

Premarital Sex in America: How Young Americans Meet, Mate, and Think about Marrying by Regnerus and Uecker was an eye-opening read. Regnerus, a professor of sociology at the University of Texas, and Uecker, from the University of North Caroliana, have teamed up to...

Disappearing Marriage!

Even though hotly contested today, anyone with basic common sense will confess that marriage between a man and woman is the backbone of civilization. Break or discourage this union and the social house of cards will come tumbling down. Recent data from the Pew...

The Deep Secrets of Satan

Revelation opens with a message to seven churches. The fourth church, the one in the center, is Thyatira. Thyatira’s position in the seven indicates that God’s message to her is heart and soul of his message to all the churches.The church at Thyatira is in...