The Importance of Gratitude or Thanksgiving

PAUL WROTE PHILIPPIANS from prison. Most of us would grumble and complain. A Roman Prison was not a pleasant place. Bad food, surly companions, filth, rats, vermin, stench, poor lighting, beatings, torture, etc …Yet, in these circumstances, Paul writes the most...

The Man Christ Jesus

The Man Christ Jesus, Dr. Bruce Ware. If you are like me you have noticed the exhortations in scripture to be led by the Holy Spirit. For example, “Those who are led by the Spirit of God are Sons of God” (Rom. 8:14). But, the big question is this: what does it mean to...

How The West Really Lost God

Mary EberstadtMARY EBERSTADT JUST penned a new volume, How The West Really Lost God. Eberstadt is a conservative scholar working for Stanford’s Hoover Institution. I have read several of her other books. Eberstadt begins by noting that Christianity is on a...

It’s Not About Us!

IF YOU HAVE EVER thought you were big and God was small, if you have ever been tempted to think life was all about us, here are some important scriptures to ponder. They make one pregnant point. It is not about us. Life and reality is about a big and glorious God.A...

The Principle of Ministry: Life From Death!

HERE ARE SOME quotes from men of God that have served the church. They distill down the basic secret of Christian ministry. They begin with a first century apostle, move to a 17th century Puritan, and to present day leaders. Enjoy!2 Corinthians 4:11-12. “For we...