Would Your Non-Christian Friends Be Happy In Heaven?

Would Your Non-Christian Friends Be Happy In Heaven?

ONE OF THE MOST COMMON OBJECTIONS to the Christian faith is the exclusivity of Christ. Christianity teaches that only those with saving faith go to heaven. One Sunday I mentioned this subject in a sermon. Afterwards, a visitor approached me. “I don’t like the idea...
Would Your Non-Christian Friends Be Happy In Heaven?

My Great Fear!

I FEAR GOD’S WRATH. I fear that Western Culture will be its subject. That is because God displays his wrath to civilizations by giving them up to their lusts. That was the case in the first century when Paul wrote Romans. “Claiming to be wise, they became fools,...
Would Your Non-Christian Friends Be Happy In Heaven?

Does God Hate Hate Crimes?

IT IS NORMAL TO PREFER TO THINK ABOUT GOD’S POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES. I’m sure most readers would rather meditate on what God loves rather than what he hates. A favorite verse of most is “God is Love” (1 John 4:16), and we are so thankful that this...