by Bill Farley | May 26, 2023 | Culture, Sexual Revolution
MASS SHOOTINGS ARE AN UNSETTLING REALITY OF MODERN LIFE. They are also a relatively new phenomenon. When I grew up in the fifties and sixties, they were almost unknown. My first memory was in the Summer of 1966. A lone gunman killed 16 and wounded 31 at the University...
by Bill Farley | Feb 8, 2023 | Culture
THE UNITED STATES IS SLOWLY MOVING toward socialism. However, although socialism—and its advanced form, Communism—have never worked, the naive in the U.S. pursue it anyway. Socialism doesn’t work because the State finally runs out of other people’s money....
by Bill Farley | Nov 22, 2022 | Culture, Uncategorized
CHRISTIANS BELIEVE THAT we should care for the environment. We are stewards that will give an accounting to God. This conviction is rooted in the fact that creation is a gift. God created humanity to rule over and care for it. It exists for people. People don’t...
by Bill Farley | Aug 1, 2022 | Culture
TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY AMERICANS ARE FAMILIAR WITH THE WORD, UTOPIA. The dictionary defines it as “an imagined place or state of things where everything is perfect.” But neither the word nor the concept existed 500 years ago. Sir Thomas More, Lord Chancellor...
by Bill Farley | May 23, 2022 | Civil Government, Culture, evangelism
THE BIBLE NEVER USES THE TERM “SOCIALISM,” but the concept is present and implicitly condemned. Another name for socialism is statism. Statism occurs when the State takes over functions that God has assigned to the individual, family, or church. Social...
by Bill Farley | Apr 18, 2022 | Culture, Uncategorized
DAVID BROOKS, well known liberal writer for the New York Times, in an article for The Atlantic on the nuclear family, cited this interesting quote. A study of women’s magazines by the sociologists Francesca Cancian and Steven L. Gordon found that from 1900 to 1979,...