by Bill Farley | Aug 9, 2021 | Uncategorized
AMERICA IS APPROACHING A CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS. Our political system is uniquely unstable, and our religious freedoms are in peril. A chasm has opened between the political right and left that seems unbridgeable. On top of this Jesus warned us that “Every kingdom...
by Bill Farley | Aug 6, 2021 | Uncategorized
THE CURRENT CULTURAL MOMENT IS UNSETTLING. New terms (WOKE, Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, Postmodernism, Cisgender, etc.) come faster than we can process them. Western culture is experiencing unprecedented turmoil and upheaval. Confusion seems to abound. What...
by Bill Farley | Aug 2, 2021 | Church Planting, Uncategorized
MY WIFE AND I, WITH FIVE OTHER COUPLES, planted a church in 2002. In the weeks before we began, two friends took me aside separately to admonish us. “Don’t we already have enough churches in Spokane? Do we really need more?” There are at least two reasons why...
by Bill Farley | Jul 29, 2021 | Uncategorized
FOR MANY CHRISTIANS studying the Bible is a duty. Duty has its place. It’s not always bad. Done right, it is an expression of love. However, the major motive should be Treasure. Bible study should be a Treasure hunt. Jesus said the Kingdom of God is like a man...
by Bill Farley | Jul 16, 2021 | Uncategorized
ROD DREHER’S NEW BOOK, Live Not By Lies, A Manual for Christian Dissidents is essential reading for any conservative desiring to prepare themselves and their family for the future. In my opinion, it was more specific and helpful than his first book, The Benedict...
by Bill Farley | Jul 14, 2021 | Uncategorized
LIES, HALF TRUTHS, AND EXAGGERATIONS have been the increasing experience of conservatives in Western Culture. Confronted with Russia-Gate, the media treatment of Trump, and lies about men competing in women’s track, etc., reasons to distrust the media have only...