Christmas Book Gift Ideas

Christmas Book Gift Ideas

I READ A NUMBER OF BOOKS THIS YEAR. Some of them were necessitated by my research for writing projects. Others were for personal growth, especially given the current political and social climate. For example, I read Charles Murray’s, Human Diversity, Pluckrose...
My First Christmas Memory

My First Christmas Memory

I WAS BORN IN 1948, the first child with eight more to follow. My first Christmas memory was 1955. It was a maturing moment in my youthful development, and one that I will never forget. My father was a Civil Engineer working for the Army Corp of Engineers on Chief...
Johnathan Edwards and Three Reasons for the Cross-Centered Life

What Is The Essential Virtue God Seeks?

WHERE A TEXT APPEARS IN SCRIPTURE IS ALL IMPORTANT. The location often teaches pastors and their congregations big lessons. For example, The Sermon on the Mount contains Jesus’ first recorded teaching, and the first sentence is this simple declaration. “Blessed...
Johnathan Edwards and Three Reasons for the Cross-Centered Life

Can Our Freedoms Survive?

Alexander Tyler Fraser (1748-1813 observed, “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the Public Treasury. From that moment on the majority always votes for the...