How Can You Tell A Conservative From a Liberal?

How Can You Tell A Conservative From a Liberal?

PEOPLE OFTEN ASK, what is the fundamental difference between a liberal and a conservative? When all the vehemence is boiled down, how are their worldviews different? It is a good question, and the answer might surprise you. It is not their belief, or lack of belief,...
How Can You Tell A Conservative From a Liberal?

God’s Amazing Atonement

HERE IS ONE OFTEN ASKED QUESTION ABOUT THE CROSS. How can the suffering of one man on the cross for six hours atone for the sins of billions of sinners past, present, and future, and what is the most root sin atoned for? Infinity And Beyond The answer rides on a...
Marriage Retreat Blessed By God!

Marriage Retreat Blessed By God!

JUDY AND I JUST RETURNED from cold, snowy Grand Rapids, Michigan. We led a marriage retreat for Peace Church, a growing congregation located in a suburb of Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids is about the size of Spokane and is the second-largest city in Michigan behind...
How Can You Tell A Conservative From a Liberal?

Recommended Reading

I JUST FINISHED J. I. PACKER’S 2013 book Weakness Is The Way, a short, four-chapter introduction to 2 Corinthians. In that letter, because God perfects his strength through weakness, Paul boasts of his weakness, not his strengths. Packer’s book focuses on this...
The Great Marriage-Wrecking Lie!

The Great Marriage-Wrecking Lie!

(Desiring God published a version of this essay on Dec 4, 2021) WHEN I WAS ABOUT TEN, I met my aunt Margaret for the first time. She was in a wheelchair in the middle of the front room, drooling uncontrollably, unaware of my presence, incontinent, and unable to take...