“Even To Old Age and Gray Hairs”

“Even To Old Age and Gray Hairs”

WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY ABOUT grandparenting? Very little. Although previous generations matter significantly to the biblical authors, the Bible does not give grandparents specific attention. The word “grandparent” does not even appear in the English Bible....
What I’m Reading Right Now

What I’m Reading Right Now

I just finished J. I. Packer’s 2013 book Weakness Is The Way, a short, four chapter introduction to 2 Corinthians. In that letter, because God perfects his strength through weakness, Paul boasts of his weaknesses, not his strengths. Packer’s book focuses on this idea...
What I’m Reading Right Now

Fun Reading

HERE ARE SOME BOOKS that I have read in recent months. They are about adventurers, military heroes, thinking critically, and crucial doctrines, but they all share several things in common. First, they are interesting. Second, they are well-written, and third, they...
Four Questions For Those Engaged In Discipleship

Four Questions For Those Engaged In Discipleship

I HAVE BEEN A CHRISTIAN FOR FIFTY YEARS, and during that time I have discipled scores of men. It’s been a labor of love. Some have gone on to be leaders in the church. Others have become better fathers and husbands. In a few cases, the results have not been positive....


TUCKER CARLSON (FOX News) PLAYED SEVERAL CLIPS of angry parents addressing their local school boards. The issue was the introduction into the local school curriculum of Critical Race Theory (CRT), a WOKE worldview, and the expansion of the sex-ed curriculum to younger...