Francis Asbury: American Saint (Book Review)

EVERY GENERATION PRODUCES a forgotten character that is foundational to the experience of later generations. Such was Francis Asbury (1744-1816). The great Methodist biographer, Abel Stephens, wrote, “No one man has done more for Christianity in the western...

Escape From North Korea

JUST FINISHED Escape From North Korea, the untold story of Asia’s Underground Railroad, by Melanie Kirkpatrick. The author, a journalist for The Wall Street Journal, compares the escape routes used by North Koreans in and through China to the underground...

A New Approach to Death and Dying!

MY NINETY YEAR OLD MOTHER, like so many of our elderly, is now languishing in a “memoryfacility” in Oregon. She is overweight, unable to walk, and slowly losing her mind. Dementia has changed her once sweet and amiable personality into someone largely...

The Need for a Second Conversion?

MOST CHRISTIANS GO through two conversions. The first is to Christianity. They believe the gospel, repentof sins, get baptized, and join a local church. The second is equally important. It is a conversion to a biblical understanding of who and what God is. This often...