Disappearing Marriage!

Even though hotly contested today, anyone with basic common sense will confess that marriage between a man and woman is the backbone of civilization. Break or discourage this union and the social house of cards will come tumbling down. Recent data from the Pew...

Family and Call of God, Part 2

A few days ago I posted on “Family and the Call of God.” I emphasized that we must leave family in order to really love God. I used Abraham as an example.But it is also true that God commands us to love our families. The fifth commandment reads,...

Holy Is the Lord!

A couple of days ago I blogged about Abraham’s struggle to leave father, kin, and clan for God and his City. It terminated with God’s command to offer up the son of promise, little Isaac. Here is a powerful music video on this theme. Take a moment to...

Family and the call of God!

The first recorded conversion appears in Genesis 12:1. It was the call of Abram. This man lived in what is now modern Baghdad. In 2000 BC these people worshiped the moon. Abram worshiped the moon with them. The Cost of DiscipleshipIt is important to note that his call...