How God Views “Pride Month”

How God Views “Pride Month”

JUNE IS NOW PRIDE MONTH, celebrating the alphabet mafia’s hegemony over Western Culture. Ironically, they boast about the very sin most apt to be the cause their eternal misery—pride. Pride is their sin. They have named June appropriately, but they think pride...
Why Is No One Interested in Humility?

Why Is No One Interested in Humility?

MOST THEOLOGIANS THROUGHOUT HISTORY have considered humility the queen of virtues. Why is that when the Bible seems to put the emphasis on love? For example, love is eternal. It is greater than faith and hope (1 Cor 13:13). Paul tells us that if we don’t have...

The God Who Became Man

SEVERAL YEARS AGO a friend sent me a life-changing Christmas card. On the front was this simple statement, “Many Men Have Claimed To Be God.”   Underneath appeared pictures of famous men like Ghenkis Khan, Augustus Caesar, Pharaoh, Alexander the Great,...
What Is The Essential Virtue God Seeks?

What Is The Essential Virtue God Seeks?

WHERE A TEXT APPEARS IN SCRIPTURE IS ALL IMPORTANT. The location often teaches pastors and their congregations big lessons. For example, The Sermon on the Mount contains Jesus’ first recorded teaching, and the first sentence is this simple declaration. “Blessed...