by Bill Farley | Apr 13, 2020 | Humility
EVERY CULTURE ASSUMES FACTS about God and man. They are like glasses through which we view life. Most are unaware that they have them on or that the assumptions of other times and places differ. But nothing could be further from the truth. Our cultural lenses are...
by Bill Farley | Sep 30, 2019 | Christian Ministry, Christian Sanctification, Humility
EVERY AUTHOR KNOWS THE JOY of holding the first copy of their newly published book. It’s not quite the same thing as holding your baby for the first time, but it’s close. This was my experience. I had just received my first copy of Gospel Powered Humility. I was...
by Bill Farley | Mar 25, 2019 | Culture, Humility, Pride, Sanctification
CULTURAL ASSUMPTIONS ARE LIKE a set of glasses through which we view life. Those who have never taken the glasses off think what they see is what all people, in all places, at all times have seen. Only those who remove them can critique our present...
by Bill Farley | Jan 29, 2014 | Uncategorized
John OwenCHRISTIAN THINKERS FROM previous centuries emphasized different aspects of the Christian life. It is safe, and immeasurably helpful, to go back and occasionally drink from their well.Our church has been preaching through the Beatitudes in Matthew chapter...
by Bill Farley | Sep 25, 2013 | Uncategorized
WILLIAM LAW, AN 18th century Anglican pastor, wrote the powerful words below. The truths William Law 1686-1761expressed are universal, and they are an especially important corrective to our age of self-esteem. Meditate and rejoice. “Because an humble state of soul is...