Missionary Joy In Serbia

I JUST COMPLETED TWENTY HOURS OF TEACHING the theology of marriage and parenting to a group of pastors in Serbia. Not Siberia on the frozen tundra, or Syria in the Middle East, but Serbia, a beautiful nation in the Balkans, just south of Hungary, north of Greece, and...

The Advantage of Being Criticized

In his post to pastors, C. J. Mahaney explains that, although painful at the time, the experience of being criticized is a huge boost to our maturity. Whether pastor or housewife, you will probably find this short article most helpful. Take a moment to read it and...

Where Does Leadership Come From?

Leadership matters greatly. Nations rise and fall on their heads of state. Armies conquer or go down in defeat on the decisions of their commanders. Teams rise and fall on their coaches. Corporations thrive or wither on the performance of their CEOs. The most...