Would Your Non-Christian Friends Be Happy In Heaven?

Would Your Non-Christian Friends Be Happy In Heaven?

ONE OF THE MOST COMMON OBJECTIONS to the Christian faith is the exclusivity of Christ. Christianity teaches that only those with saving faith go to heaven. One Sunday I mentioned this subject in a sermon. Afterwards, a visitor approached me. “I don’t like the idea...
Would Your Non-Christian Friends Be Happy In Heaven?

Will Solomon Be In Heaven?

A friend recently asked me if I thought Solomon was saved? It was an excellent, thought-provoking question. Why? Because most Christians assume he was saved. After all, he was no lightweight. He wrote Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. He was David’s...
What Is A Circumcised Heart?

What Is A Circumcised Heart?

WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A CHRISTIAN? Are you one because you signed a pledge card, or raised your hand at a crusade, or walked to an altar and prayed the sinners prayer? In previous posts, we saw that conversion is likened to going through a New Birth or becoming a...
How Can You Identify A True Christian?

How Can You Identify A True Christian?

WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A CHRISTIAN? Are you one because you signed a pledge card, or raised your hand at a crusade, or walked to an altar and prayed the sinners prayer? Maybe, but conversion is more nuanced than that. Many have done these things that no one today...
Are You Born Again? Four Symptoms.

Are You Born Again? Four Symptoms.

A 2017 STUDY BY LIFEWAY RESEARCH discovered that 24% of Americans profess to be evangelical. A higher percent claim to be born again. But when pressed, only about 15% of Americans can affirm the most basic evangelical beliefs. This is not a new problem. Anyone who has...