by Bill Farley | Aug 23, 2024 | New Birth
ONE OF THE MOST COMMON OBJECTIONS to the Christian faith is the exclusivity of Christ. Christianity teaches that only those with saving faith go to heaven. One Sunday I mentioned this subject in a sermon. Afterwards, a visitor approached me. “I don’t like the idea...
by Bill Farley | Sep 5, 2023 | New Birth, Sanctification
A friend recently asked me if I thought Solomon was saved? It was an excellent, thought-provoking question. Why? Because most Christians assume he was saved. After all, he was no lightweight. He wrote Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. He was David’s...
by Bill Farley | Jan 16, 2023 | New Birth, Uncategorized
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A CHRISTIAN? Are you one because you signed a pledge card, or raised your hand at a crusade, or walked to an altar and prayed the sinners prayer? In previous posts, we saw that conversion is likened to going through a New Birth or becoming a...
by Bill Farley | Jan 4, 2023 | Conversion
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A CHRISTIAN? Are you one because you signed a pledge card, or raised your hand at a crusade, or walked to an altar and prayed the sinners prayer? Maybe, but conversion is more nuanced than that. Many have done these things that no one today...
by Bill Farley | Sep 19, 2022 | Conversion, New Birth
A 2017 STUDY BY LIFEWAY RESEARCH discovered that 24% of Americans profess to be evangelical. A higher percent claim to be born again. But when pressed, only about 15% of Americans can affirm the most basic evangelical beliefs. This is not a new problem. Anyone who has...