Do You Apply The Rule of Faith?

Do You Apply The Rule of Faith?

THE RULE OF FAITH IS A CRUCIAL INTERPRETIVE TOOL. Without it we will misunderstand and misapply the Bible. It is the principle that every text/subject in scripture can only be understood by looking at it through the lens of everything else the Bible says about that...
Do You Apply The Rule of Faith?

Movie Recommendaitons

FRIENDS AND RELATIVES OCCAISIONALLY recomend movies appropriarte for Christian audiences. Tragically, there are fewer and fewer movies like this. Here are some that we have watched in recent weeks. They are not only appropriate for Christian audiences, but also have...

Are You Ready For the Coming Social Earthquake?

WE RIGHTFULLY FEAR EARTHQUAKES. They are sudden, usually unexpected, and depending upon their severity, life-changing. Earthquakes occur when pent-up energy along a fault line is released. A fault line is a place where two slowly moving tectonic plates meet.  The...
Do You Apply The Rule of Faith?

A Surpising Difference Between Heaven and Hell

WHAT MUST I DO TO GET INTO HEAVEN? That is the most important question one could ask. In his book Redemptive Reversals, Theologian G. K. Beale suggests that most people think the answer is good deeds.  I need to be good. When God weighs my life on the scales of divine...
Do You Apply The Rule of Faith?

Is Social Justice Biblical Justice?

IF YOU’RE PAYING ATTENTION AT ALL, YOU’VE noticed that many people on our university campuses are actively protesting for “social justice.” Justice matters greatly, but does social justice have anything to do with biblical justice? That is the...