by Bill Farley | Nov 30, 2020 | Humility, Sanctification
HYPOCRISY IS A DESTRUCTIVE SIN. How many churches have been destroyed by a leader’s hypocrisy? How many unbelievers have been repelled from Christ because of a “believing” friend’s hypocrisy? How often has the budding faith of a new convert...
by Bill Farley | Apr 25, 2020 | Christian Ministry, Leadership, Sanctification
THE BIBLICAL GOAL OF CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP is the glory of God radiating from a local church. The question is, how best to accomplish this? What tools do we have at our disposal? The 9Marks (expository preaching, evangelism, church membership, and church...
by mark | Aug 1, 2019 | Sanctification, theology, Uncategorized
This is part one in a series of posts on the subject of God and what he is really like. Sequential posts will follow. THE IDEA FOR THIS SERIES germinated in my thinking thirty years ago. At the time I was struggling to reconcile the apparent wrath and brutality of God...
by Bill Farley | Jun 11, 2019 | Christian Ministry, Christian Sanctification, Fruit of the Spirit, Profiles in Weakness, Sanctification, Spiritual Maturity
How God often chooses uneducated, socially marginalized people with problems to build his kingdom HAVE YOU EVER NOTICED THAT God sometimes chooses the very person you would not? This is most shocking when we remember that God is sovereign. He has total freedom to...
by Bill Farley | Mar 25, 2019 | Culture, Humility, Pride, Sanctification
CULTURAL ASSUMPTIONS ARE LIKE a set of glasses through which we view life. Those who have never taken the glasses off think what they see is what all people, in all places, at all times have seen. Only those who remove them can critique our present...