by Bill Farley | Dec 22, 2021 | History, Uncategorized
EVERYONE LOVES AN UNDERDOG, one who triumphs in the face of overwhelming odds. That is one reason the story of David and Goliath is so popular. It is also the reason the Battle of Thermopylae is often retold. In 480 BC Xerxes I, king of Persia and husband of...
by Bill Farley | Dec 9, 2021 | Masculinity, Uncategorized
(This is an excerpt from a manuscript that I am currently working on) SINCE THE LATE SIXTIES, an avalanche of lies about the nature of masculinity and femininity have inundated Western culture—stupendous lies, lies that no other culture in history would have...
by Bill Farley | Nov 19, 2021 | theology, Uncategorized
(This article appeared previously at Servants of Grace website) THE GREAT SCHISM OCCURRED on July 16, 1054. It permanently alienated the Eastern Orthodox Churches from the western Roman Catholic Church. What were the issues? Sadly, they were trivial—whether to use...
by Bill Farley | Nov 11, 2021 | Masculinity, parenting, Uncategorized
FOR THE LAST YEAR I have been researching and writing a manuscript to address the crucial subject of masculinity. The projected title is Seven Dimensions of Masculinity, How God Turns Biological Masculinity into Spiritual Masculinity and Why It Matters. Dr. Wayne...
by Bill Farley | Oct 5, 2021 | Uncategorized
I RECENTLY SAW A SIGN HANGING in front of a pet supply store. “PETS ARE PEOPLE TOO.” It’s a “nice” sentiment. We all love our pets. They deserve good treatment, so let’s relate to them like people. But underneath this slogan is a sinister change in assumptions about...
by Bill Farley | Sep 24, 2021 | Uncategorized
THE UNITED STATES IS UNRAVELLING. Some think we are approaching a constitutional crisis. If that is the case, social turmoil and uncertainty is our future, and that means anxiety and fear. We need the gospel, and the gospel presents us with five comforting truths for...