Summer Reading for Growing Christians

SUMMER IS A GREAT TIME FOR READING.In my experience, books come in two flavors. One flavor is plain old  information. But others have a more delightful taste. In addition to information they motivate, inspire, and encourage. “The best Christian literature is not...

Are Intellectuals the Problem?

SUNDAY, JUNE 21, IS FATHER’S DAY. In 1989 my wife gave me one of my best all time Father’s Day’s gifts, Paul Johnson’s Intellectuals. Don’t let the title intimidate you. The book is not for intellectuals. It is a series of short chapters...

Escape From North Korea

JUST FINISHED Escape From North Korea, the untold story of Asia’s Underground Railroad, by Melanie Kirkpatrick. The author, a journalist for The Wall Street Journal, compares the escape routes used by North Koreans in and through China to the underground...

God’s Battalions

Rodney Stark, a Christian social scientist who teaches at Baylor University, recently wrote God’s Battalions, the case for the Crusades, a fascinating read with an alternative view.Like myself, you were probably taught that the “Crusades were the first round of...

Review of “Miraculous Movements”

         JUST FINISHED A NEW BOOK Miraculous Movements, (2012, Thomas Nelson) by Jerry Trousdale. There was much to like about this remarkable book.    It documents the growing numbers of conversions amongst Moslems in Africa. As everyone in the modern world knows,...