The Living & Active Word At Work

The Living & Active Word At Work

JUDY AND I ARE IN THE PROCESS OF A MAJOR MOVE. As many of you know this can exacerbate stress. We pack differently. I married my opposite. All of this led to a huge fight Friday night. It was mostly my fault. Guilt and condemnation. I had a hard time sleeping. I awoke...

God’s Infinite Love for Sinners!

Loving His EnemiesThe cross displays the glory of God, and one aspect of his glory that should astound us is his love for those that have rejected and abused him. Jesus told us to turn the other cheek. He told us to love our enemies. He said this because he turned the...

The Number Destroyer of Marriages

What is the number one destroyer of marriage? Is it infidelity? Yes, infidelity wreaks havoc on marriages, but it is not number one. Is it hobbies? Yes, hobbies can behard on marrages, but they are secondary? Is it squabbles over money, or in-laws, or sex? Yes, all of...