A Short Meditation on God’s Extravagant Love

Join me in a thought experiment. Imagine you are God. You are getting ready to create the world, and because you are omniscient, (you know all things past and future), you realize that the people that you are getting ready to create will go bad. They will use the good...

Behold the Love of God!

MANY CHRISTIANS have a hard time personalizing God’s love. For those in this condition meditation on God’s love is helpful. The Bible gives us good material. One example occurred the night before Jesus’ death.“After a little while the bystanders came...

The Wrath of the Lamb and the Love of the Lamb?

JESUS SPOKE MORE about hell than anyone in the Bible. His comments, thoughtfully considered, challenge thoughtful Believers. They also challenge the prevailing view of God on the street. The Bible tells us that “God is love” (1 Jn. 4:16). In fact, this is an...

The Scale of the Universe!

God is big, and we are small!Psalm 19 teaches us that the “heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” According to an amazing web page that you can access here entitled “The Scale of the Universe,” this is an...

Infinite Humility Displayed!

To appreciate the Incarnation we must think in terms of infinity. God is infinite. This means he has no boundaries, no limits, no stopping point in any of his attributes. This is one of the reasons that God is a Spirit, that he has no physical properties. If he did...