Coventry and False Guilt Towards People

Coventry and False Guilt Towards People

ONE NIGHT DURING WWII’s BATTLE OF BRITAIN, Winston Churchill received top secret info that the Germans were going to bomb the city of Coventry England. He knew this because British intelligence had broken the German wireless code. This put Churchill in a...

Behold the Love of God!

MANY CHRISTIANS have a hard time personalizing God’s love. For those in this condition meditation on God’s love is helpful. The Bible gives us good material. One example occurred the night before Jesus’ death.“After a little while the bystanders came...

The Wrath of the Lamb and the Love of the Lamb?

JESUS SPOKE MORE about hell than anyone in the Bible. His comments, thoughtfully considered, challenge thoughtful Believers. They also challenge the prevailing view of God on the street. The Bible tells us that “God is love” (1 Jn. 4:16). In fact, this is an...