The Politically Incorrect Solution to Poverty

BERNIE SANDERS AND other politicians on the left have noticed the growing disparity in income between the rich and the poor. They blame it on capitalistic greed, but greed is not the problem. Fatherlessness is the problem.  and the solution is moral and spiritual, not...

Applying Biblical Men & Women’s Roles

OUR LAST BLOG post discussed Mr. Mom. Is it OK for another-wise healthy, capable husband to stay home and nurture his children while his wife brings  home the bacon? We suggested the general principle that God created men and women to fulfill different roles in...

God’s Design for Men and Women

NOTHING IS MORE CONTROVERSIAL in our present climate than biblical men and women’s roles. However, the Bible says much about God’s intention for work responsibilities in marriage. Here is a short summary. God created Adam first. He created him with a task...

God, Marriage, and Family Reviewed

AFTER MY RECENT REVIEW of Tim Keller’s book on marriage some of you asked me to suggest books on marriage that fill in the gaps left by Keller. I recently finished God, Marriage, and Family, rebuilding the biblical foundation” by Andreas Kostenberger, and...