Book Review: The Meaning of Marriage!

JUST FINISHED TIM KELLER’S new book, The Meaning of Marriage, “Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God.”Having enjoyed Keller’s previous books I opened this volume expectantly. The first chapter covered   the state of...

Man & Woman in Paradise: Part 4, Illegitimacy

God’s intention for men and women is a relational Paradise. However, as we have seen in recent posts, that is not the experience of our culture. We have noted the curse of androgyny, and the rise of the professional woman, both results of feminism and the sexual...

Single Men!

Men Afraid of MarriageGen 2:15 reads, “It is not good that man should be alone.” I don’t think God was exaggerating. In his seminal book Men and Marriage, George Gilder sums up the sociological findings on the state of single men. “Single men earn about the same thing...

A Corrupt Moral Foundation

When termites eat at the foundation of a house it is not readily apparent. The damage is often not visible. The problem becomes visible when something shakes the building the foundation gives way, and the structure collapses. In the same way, sexual morality is...