What I Learned From the Mid-Term Elections

How Bout A New Yard Sign for This Political Season?

LAST WEEK JUDY AND I drove around the Hutton neighborhood on the South Hill to show our grandkids the house their father grew up in. As we drove, we saw yard signs proclaiming the values of the progressive left. Interestingly, we saw no yard signs advertising the...
Do You Long For a Spiritual Utopia?

Do You Long For a Spiritual Utopia?

TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY AMERICANS ARE FAMILIAR WITH THE WORD, UTOPIA. The dictionary defines it as “an imagined place or state of things where everything is perfect.” But neither the word nor the concept existed 500 years ago. Sir Thomas More, Lord Chancellor...
What I Learned From the Mid-Term Elections

How Can You Tell A Conservative From a Liberal?

PEOPLE OFTEN ASK, what is the fundamental difference between a liberal and a conservative? When all the vehemence is boiled down, how are their worldviews different? It is a good question, and the answer might surprise you. It is not their belief, or lack of belief,...