Girolamo Savonarola, The Prophet of Florence

Girolamo Savonarola, The Prophet of Florence

IN 1992 JUDY AND I VISITED FLORENCE, ITALY. In the central square, unchanged for centuries, we found a small brass plaque embedded in the pavement. It was dedicated to Girolamo Savonarola, one of the cities past heroes. Knowing quite a bit about this man, I was deeply...

A Review of Books on the Reformation

OCT 17 WILL BE THE FIVE HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY of the Protestant Reformation. Here are some books for fun Summer reading. There are too many to settle for one. Brand Luther, by Andrew Pettegree was a delightful read. In 1517, at the age of 34, Luther began publishing....

The Controversy at the Heart of the Reformation

 Martin LutherIn the Autumn of 1517 Martin Luther inadvertently initiated the Reformation. He posted Ninety Five Theses on the Wittenberg church door and a spiritual earthquake shook Europe. Luther was absolutely convinced that men were blind to the truth about...