Do You Apply The Rule of Faith?

Do You Apply The Rule of Faith?

THE RULE OF FAITH IS A CRUCIAL INTERPRETIVE TOOL. Without it we will misunderstand and misapply the Bible. It is the principle that every text/subject in scripture can only be understood by looking at it through the lens of everything else the Bible says about that...
Do You Apply The Rule of Faith?

How Does Tradition Work for Protestants?

I GREW UP ROMAN CATHOLIC. We practiced many unbiblical traditions. For example, I prayed to St. Joseph. He was the patron saint that helped people find things that were lost. We said the rosary as a family around the dinner table every evening during lent. My father...

How Can I Know the Bible is God’s Word

RETURNING FROM ATLANTA, GA. on a Delta flight I sat next to a middle aged single woman. She was not a Christian, and on learning that I was a pastor, we began to discuss spiritual things.”How can I know that the Bible is God’s word?” she asked. She...