Is Retirement A Twilight Zone?

The Useful RetireeTHE CHRISTIAN CHURCH has uncritically bought into the concept of retirement. This column and those that follow will take a critical look at this idea. Some have defined retirement as a twilight zone, a phase of life in which the individual is “too...

The Principle of Ministry: Life From Death!

HERE ARE SOME quotes from men of God that have served the church. They distill down the basic secret of Christian ministry. They begin with a first century apostle, move to a 17th century Puritan, and to present day leaders. Enjoy!2 Corinthians 4:11-12. “For we...

King of the Jews!

“There was also an inscription over him, “This is the King of the Jews” (Luke 23:38). This text is a picture of true spiritual authority. Pilate and the Sanhedrin exercised authority in typical, worldly fashion. They used their authority to advance...