Vocation Matters

In his article “Work and Vocation in Scripture, Paul Minear writes, “Early Christians did not much speak of a person going to church, but more often thought of the church as being present with each person at his place of daily employment. To the degree that his...

How Can I Serve God 9:00 to 5:00?

Martin Luther put a huge emphasis on the goodness of labor whether manual or intellectual. He called it vocation, and to him it was a way to serve God. This is true whether a homemaker, president of the United States, a school teacher,  or a garbage truck driver. God...

Do you take the Gospel to work every day?

Many companies have a special day when employees can bring a son or daughter to work. Christians have something more important to bring to work, the gospel. Christians should pack  the gospel and its implications  in their briefcase every morning. For Christians this...

Christian Workers: Are they different?

I was in the business world for thirty years. I have interviewed hundreds of applicants for jobs. I have hired and I reluctantly fired. I have trained many new employees. I have worked with believers and unbelievers. However, in my experience there has been no...

How the Gospel Changes Vocation

All lawful secular vocations are sacred. The recovery of the gospel has also meant the recovery of the doctrine of vocation. When we hear the word “vocation” we usually think secular work. We hear the expressions like “vocational training,” “Vocational Rehabilitation”...